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Research Paper

Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2014

Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership at Workplace

  • Tushar Ashok Kadlag


Successful business based on workplace environment how can one handle others and to handle everyone effectively their satisfaction level have the prime importance. It is quite difficult to satisfy everyone but easy to handle by one to others with the essence of emotional intelligence which ultimately leads into business development. An organization which is emotionally intelligent has staff who are motivated, productive, efficient, aligned with the business, and committed or with a person who can go with all these having quality like effectiveness, confident, likeability, decision making in short we can say leadership with emotional intelligence.

Here we can say that person with personality aspect is a leader and person having emotional intelligence also become a leader. Now successes of business is depends on how can we carried out work from workforce. In psychology, personality refers to the emotion, thought, and behavior patterns unique to an individual. Personality influences one's tendencies, such as a preference for introversion or extroversion. Like Intelligence Quotient (EQ), personality cannot be used to predict EI. However, as EI can identify both the biases and clarity in one's thinking patterns that allow them to make good sound decisions, team handling. Personality only refers to the biases in the behaviors themselves.

Hence in technological era skilled workforce required at workplace. To handle them personnel with personality and high consent of emotional intelligence is required and current interest in EI at workplace also increased. This paper focus on the both attributes i.e. personality and emotional intelligence of leader with comparative study and state how can emotional intelligence affect on leadership at workplace.


  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Psychology
  • Intelligence Quotient.

How to Cite

Kadlag, T. A. (2014). Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership at Workplace. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 2(1), 176–181. Retrieved from


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