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Research Paper

Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2014

Employee Retention through Employee Engagement:Study Special Reference with Retail Shoppe in Pune



Employee engagement leads to commitment and psychological attachment and reflects in the form of high retention (low attrition) of employees. The level of engagement in employees can be enhanced by identifying its drivers (influential factors) and work on them. For the purpose of study, the drivers of the employee engagement are identified and hypotheses have been formulated. The relationship between employee retention and employee engagement is examined from the response to separate questionnaires from 100 employees from different retails Shoppe like DMart, CROMA, BigBazar, Central Malls, Season Mall who are chosen based on random sampling.

The object of research paper study is to finds that the employee retention can be improved by increasing the level of employee engagement and focusing on few non-financial drivers. Practical implication of this study is the retention can be improved without financial expenditure when there are economic constraints. Organizations can design good practices in the light of findings to retain their best talent (highly skilled and specialized human resources) without much financial burden.


  • Employee Engagement
  • Employee Retention
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Financial Benefits
  • Non Financial Benefits.

How to Cite

Jaid, R., & Kumbhare, S. (2014). Employee Retention through Employee Engagement:Study Special Reference with Retail Shoppe in Pune. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 2(1), 157–166. Retrieved from


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