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Research Paper

Volume 2, Issue 1, September 2014

A Study on Awareness & Perspective of Over-The-Counter (OTC) i.e. Non Prescribed Drugs among Consumer's in Pune City



An Over-the-Counter drug doesn't require prescription to buy them; consumers don't need to consult their doctor to buy these drugs. There are many drugs we see in day to day life taking without doctors' consultation in our surrounding, like for headache, cold&cough, ointments etc. In all cases consumer doesn't ask or consult their doctor for such remedies. Consumer knows the medicine or he/she asks some other person for medicine and directly buys that drug from the chemist. There are many parameters one can considered while buying these drugs but whether consumers knows about these drugs, do they have proper knowledge about these drugs, what is the image of such kind of drugs into the minds of consumer, do they think about side effects of these drugs? The given study will assess the consumer's mind with respect to Over-the-Counter drugs. It has been observed that the awareness about Over- the-Counter drugs is very well in the consumers, but only in the sense of direct purchase/buying of these drugs. People are really not aware about the technical or theoretical difference between prescribed&non- prescribed drugs. They just blindly buy these drugs without considering their side effect on their health.


  • Awareness & Perspective
  • Over-the-Counter (OTC).

How to Cite

Lad, M., & Berad, N. (2014). A Study on Awareness & Perspective of Over-The-Counter (OTC) i.e. Non Prescribed Drugs among Consumer’s in Pune City. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 2(1), 121–130. Retrieved from


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