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Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2023

Indicators for Developing Effective Pedagogic Practice Based on Behavioural Science To Facilitate Mentee’s Achieve Higher-Order Cognitive Skills



For years, we have been fascinated by using the appropriate tools to make learning more efficient. Better mentors are the ones who keep themselves abreast of the methods of disseminating the knowledge, which is not only a matter of expertise in knowledge transfer but also the application of behavioral science for better end results. When we discuss knowledge accumulation, we must discuss the cognitive aspects of processing, understanding, and reasoning. Theoretically, cognitions are divided into lower-order and higher-order cognitions; lower-order cognitions help one memorize, whereas higher-order cognitions help the person understand, relate, and apply the knowledge. High-order cognitions are also known as high-order thinking skills; some of the skills involved are analysis, evaluation, conceptualization, synthesis, brainstorming, and decision-making based on a systemic thought process. The research paper deals with a review of various theories and research articles to seamlessly aggregate the knowledge and create a comprehensive understanding of facilitating cognitive growth in the mentees. In order to generalize the findings to all roles of imparting and receiving knowledge, the terms mentor and mentee have been used to allow inclusivity of different situations and stages of learning.


  • Pedagogy
  • Cognition
  • Knowledge
  • Psychology

How to Cite

Ekbote, N., & Harpale, V. (2023). Indicators for Developing Effective Pedagogic Practice Based on Behavioural Science To Facilitate Mentee’s Achieve Higher-Order Cognitive Skills. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 9(1), 01–07. Retrieved from


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