This paper attempts to highlight quantitatively the research outputs of the law and related areas available in the "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)" consortium. In this consortium, more than 15 database providers like Ebrary, South Asia Archive, JSTOR, and more give access to more than 17,388 scholarly publications like e-books, e-journals, conference proceedings, and theses in various languages. The largest number of scholarly materials, i.e., more than 16,427, are available in the English language, and that number is growing every day. The core goals of this paper are to identify the distribution of research output by major topics and to locate database providers for the research output of publications in law and related fields for the benefit of Indian law researchers.
Law Resources
How to Cite
Mane-Saware, S., & Dhamdhere- Rao, S. (2023). Scientometric Study of World Literature In the Field of Lawand Allied Areas. PARIDNYA- The MIBM Research Journal, 9(1), 01–06. Retrieved from
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